The ultimate temporary solution for protecting surfaces

Fit for purpose and environmentally friendly

TecDura mats and base coat have undertaken rigorous tests to ensure that they are fit for purpose and meet all safety and environmental standards.

  • Quality Control – All factories have rigorous quality control systems in place. TFP Ltd and all it’s factories are accredited to ISO 9001ISO 14001 and ISO 45001.
  • Flame retardant – A key factor in selecting a material for temporary protection is whether it is flame retardant and compliant with the Joint Code of Practice. This code applies to the company that is responsible for the insurance of the project even if the protection is the responsibility of a contractor further down the supply chain. Failure to comply could result in uninsured losses and in insurance ceasing to be available or withdrawn. The Code of Practice demands that all temporary protection materials used in construction and refurbishment projects must be flame retardant.
  • Slip testing – TecDura comes in bright colours to allow use to demark safe walkways. The mats have been thoroughly tested for slip resistance to leave you with a safe pedestrian route. Download HD Certificate   Download MD Certificate
  • Skid testing – The video link (click here) graphically illustrates how the mats perform under heavy traffic including skidding wheels.
  • UV resistant – Many building projects demand that protection remains in place over many months. TecDura has the durability to allow this and has been tested to ensure that it does not deteriorate due to UV exposure over a period of time. Download Certificate
  • Fungal testing – the mats have undergone rigorous fungal tests to allow the use of the mats in an environment such as a hospital where fungal growth is a particular risk and concern. Download Certificate
  • Water Permeability – The mats are seamless and adhere to the substrate below preventing the migration of grit and dirt that might scratch the surface but also resisting damage by fluids. The mats have been tested for water permeability. Download Standard Mat Certificate  Download Stickymat Certificate
  • Air Permeability – The Standard Mats have undergone air permeability tests to ensure that the base coat is allowed to dry and allow traffic to travel on top of the mats as quickly as possible. Download Certificate
  • Bacteria resistant - The mats have been tested  for bacteria resistance and have proved themselves to be strongly resistant against MRSA and E-Coli. Download report
  • Site tests – It is always best to carry out a small site test of your own on the substrate to be protected to be absolutely sure of compatibility with the base coat – please click here to go to our Product Guide which explains what procedures you should follow.